Celebrating Faith Network volunteers Elaine Chan and Marian McGaw who are starting their tenth academic year of service.
Elaine Chan
I started volunteering at Laurel because a message at our Women’s Bible Study challenged me to step outside my comfort zone at about the same time that there was a church announcement about volunteer opportunities at Laurel. I like to think that the time I spend shelving books at Laurel helps maintain an environment where kids will be able to find the books they want to or need to read and hopefully grow to love reading.

Marian McGaw
I love the opportunity to connect children with books, especially when we have new stories and non-fiction materials to offer. I’m excited when I’ve succeeded in introducing new information into an open mind. And keeping the place organized satisfies my preference for order. In truth I must admit that volunteering in the library meets a lot of my needs even as I help others.
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